Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23, 2010

Time has really flown by. I want to start by apologizing for not keep my blog updated. When I signed I realized that my last post was in July! For that I am very sorry.

So, I'm not really sure where to begin. I concluded my year with 13th Floor on October 31st and returned to the United States on November 1st. This was one of the hardest years I have experienced yet, but it was one of the greatest years where God opened my eyes to His greatness and my constant need for more of Him in my life. When I returned to the States, I returned with the mindset and plan to return to South Africa. Quickly God began to stir something in my heart, I wasn't really sure what it was. Long story short, God moved on my heart and closed the door on my time in South Africa. It was a hard decision, but I know that I am where God wants me.

Since then, I have been looking for work while interning part-time at Stonecreek Church. The staff at Stonecreek have really made me feel welcome and have created an opportunity for me to learn and grow. My plan is to study youth ministry. God has grown a passion inside me for youth and for equipping youth to become strong, Godly leaders.

God makes all things beautiful in His timing. If we strive after Him first and foremost, He will come and fill us and make something beautiful out of our short time on earth. I want to thank each and every one of you for the prayers and support you have given to me these last two years. I could not have done it without you. You have not only touched my life, but you have equipped me to touch the lives of others. For that I am eternally grateful. I ask that you continue to keep me in your prayers. I would greatly appreciate it. May God Bless you as you have blessed me.

Thank You,

P.s. I will do my best to update this blog more frequently.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Andrew Benjamin Bieber;

What an awsome name! Yes, God has some business for you to attend to and he will reveal Himselft to you and you will know when He is speaking to you.

Your time in Africa was ordained by God to prepare you with the tools with which you will serve Him in ministry. Now, it may be youth ministry as you hone your skills to be ready for the BIG picture, HE will make your life fulfilling with greater things, even being a pastor or a large church or maybe even a small church. But whereever it may be, you will be ready. God bless you young man. psst - where is that little rascally boy who use to walk nonchalantly out the classroom?


Your Papa!